Attending the NYC premier of "The Time Traveler's Wife," Eric was very nice, taking pictures with anyone who asked. I, who only had my phone, snapped this shot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Australian. Hot.
Roomie then ran into his co-star and one of our favorite actresses, Rachel Mcadams. You may know her from "The NoteBook,"Mean Girls" or "Wedding Crashers," but we know her simply as the girl who stole the heart of our man - Ryan Gosling. Heather said she was just as beautiful as
person as she is on screen, and that she know believes her chances with Ryan are out the window. I say, "Phooey!"

Whether it be Roomie or me that Ryan would choose, I say we are more than woman enough to handle that gorgeous work of human art - afterall, we know how to shimmy-shake.