So nor Roomie nor I can make it home for the holidays, so we are bringing the holidays to us. That is, if we can ever get our oven fixed. We have a whole Thanksgiving meal planned for just us two...which makes it even more exciting because I am used to standing in the Thanksgiving food line with 4 brothers and sisters, 6 nieces and nephews, boyfriends, girlfriends, random friends and a dog. This year...I am
very excited to have half of the goods. Leftovers for days I tell you!
Since I'm the high maintenance veggie girl - we are sticking to only sides (unless Roo

mie sneaks in a turkey...which is okay by me...but no gizzards please). Making the fab Thank-Zeus-For-Food list so far: Green bean casserole, mashed potatoes (thinking of garlic ones!), broccoli & cheese rice casserole (just added that one Roomie, sorry), some sort of salad, cranberry, rolls or croissants and of course stuffing. Dessert is to be continued. Not sure we have enough though...
The way I see it is that we'll start the day light and head to the Macy's Parade. I watched it every year growing up. Imagine a mini-me, sitting in front of the TV with cinnamon buns in hand..delighted as the Backstreet Boys and Garfield entertained me. To be here for the real thing is like a eating ice cream for breakfast!
Even better is that Roomie and I's office has a great view of the parade (we're located right on Broadway), so we will be protected by the crazies while the Jonas Brothers lip-sync on by. Oh my first Thanksgiving in New York...what a delicate and precious moment for us all to ponder.