Nothing extremely important here but had to share this.
Last year, my good pal Lia turned me on to a blog, Cake Wrecks ( that is just hysterical. Long story short, it's a blog about cakes that are well, plain out wrecks. If you have some time, take a look-see because it is truly hilarious.
Well this morning I did a quick scroll through the blog to see what new delicious disasters had taken place since my last visit. Low and behold, UK finally made its way from a basketball wreck to a cake wreck.
Apparently, a reader named Mandy asked for a cake in the shape of a UK logo. Please note that the blogger on Cake Wrecks described the situation as Mandy requesting "a sports logo of some sort" - ummm hello. I love your blog, but uh, let's get in the know shall we?

Moving on, Mandy wanted the UK logo to the rizzle. Not my favorite logo of UK's because I don't really like the coloring of the Wildcat, but it's a well-known logo of ours...and is actually on a lot of

my UK garb.
Anywho - the image to the right is what Mandy received. Now that is truly a Cake Wreck.