I'm scared

Scandinavians goin hog wild

6 degrees of Dane

But...my lateness was a reward for my roomie (in a weird way that is). I saw Robert Kelly (he's in the blue jacket). Yeah, I didn't know his name either and probably wouldn't know his face if it weren't for my roomie. He's a comedian that went on the road with Dane Cook for the comedy tour, Tourgasm. While he smoked a cigerette and stood 5'0 or however tall he is this morning, it made me think: He knows Dane. He has Dane's number. My roomie loves Dane. I should've acted faster. But to be honest, only one side of my earphones work on my MP3 player and Dave was on. I was straining to hear "Two Step." I was distracted.
This post is an apology. I failed you roomie. I could've used my super hot "I'm-tired-and-don't-want-to-go-to-work" moves to get Dane's number for you. But I did not. I failed you.
Note: "Two Step" in only one ear is better than no "Two Step" at all.
Orange & Black...very scary

The orange & black (please note, these colors are often associated with Halloween in case you hadn't noticed) are scaring the crap of me! So scary that I shutter when I fall to sleep at night. Shutter that my poor New Year's Eve date has to go through that misery and that his brother has to take partial blame. Shutter that our fearless Bengal has become a scaredy cat (correct spelling, I googled it). Shutter that my boys only led 10% of the time in the 08' season which only counts for the Giants, Browns and Jets games because we never led in the other four games...SSS-CCCC-AAA-RRR-YYY!!(http://www.cincyjungle.com/2008/10/20/638666/update-bengals-led-only-10)only-10)
Our rookie linebacker Keith Rivers is out with a broken jaw. Carson has sat out two games with an elbow injury. We all know Carson and his troubles. He may even sit out for the Houston game this Sunday. Chills just thinking about it!!!
What's spooky as best is that my fantasy team is now 7-0...the exact opposite of my boys. Could it be that as I win each week, the Bengals are then doomed for success? Is my success hindering theirs?! Should I immediately end my future as a fantasy football champ to help them win a

I don't know about you...but I'm worked up! Why has Ocho Cinco (not Johnson) only had two touchdowns and T.J. only three? Why did we let Rudi go? Why did we take Henry back? Why can't our defense step up? Why hasn't Jordan called me?!! I'm scared alright.

New York is for insomniacs

In my previous life (IL, KY, GA), I would be eating a Totino's pizza right about now. Now, this is not the place where I can complain about lack of pizza options but let me say this. Totinos is the best $1.05 frozen pizza ever created. On my NYC budget, it is a beautiful meal full of cheesy goodness. However, I have yet to find a Totinos pizza in this city. That may be because the best slices are just around every street corner, but sometimes it's 6:30 am on a Sunday morning. Sometimes you just need that Totino's comfort in your freezer. I'm just sayin.
In happier news, Heather and I had a lot of fun on a bar crawl yesterday afternoon/last night. However, we didn't end the night on peanut butter cup perfection like we vowed to do...instead Heather stumbled into Duane Reade's for some Oreos and milk. Turns out her charm got her some free milk...at least that's what I think I remember her saying as I passed out to the end of SNL on our couch. Duane Read doesn't have soy milk and so I didn't participate in the oreo goodness, but promise I thought about it long and hard.