We trucked it back home (still in the rain) and for the first Saturday in my New York life, I was actually productive. I uploaded three CDs to my MP3 player (DMB's Busted Stuff & two Neil Young CDs my girl Sarah made for me!), and then renamed lots of songs that weren't originally labeled on my player (they came from burnt CDs). I noticed that 9 out of 10 of them were probably produced in 1963 and it made me happy...lots of early Beatles stuff and Bobby Vee. Love it.
I then went to the gym (wowza!) and when I came home...Heather and I went decided to travel to the great land of Jersey City to go to Target. Yes...Target. So we did just that and it was needless to say, an adventure. I feel for those who commute into the city because the PATH is idiotic.
We walked around Jersey City for a bit (and by walking around I mean in circles) before grabbing a bite...we needed ammo for our Target extravaganza. We shopped Target like no tomorrow - oh how I had missed it! It truly is the bullseye to my heart. We saved major bucks by stocking up on everyday things (paper towels, foil, etc), but also loaded up for our Thanksgiving feast...woo-woo!
And then Roomie and I's luck stuck. We got caught in the rain as we carried back our Target purchases. We were soaked by the time we got into our apt...but we couldn't soak (err...sulk) for long because we had to see if our stand-by SNL tickets would be redeemed!

So we got hot like usual and head to Rockefeller. Raining again.
We wait in line (with motormouth behind us again) for an hour and unfortunately, no Pauly for us. What was worse is that Justin Timberlake ended up making a special appearance with some funny skits...booo.
Mad that Paul didn't get to meet us and that I didn't get to step with Beyonce, we went to drink our sorrows away (I however was good...tummy didn't want alcohol). We ended the night with a free cab ride and Heather's pretzel. Good times had by all.
My dad's BFF sat on the front row Saturday night - must get updates and will get back to you ASAP. Also had dinner with Steve Martin on Friday night...I'm too jealous for words.
that motor mouth still lives with his parents. def. and what's worse is they make him pay.
Yeah, you are loving some Neil Young :) I am so proud!!!!!
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