
That's my roommate folks...

As her publicist, please allow me to introduce to you Newsweek's latest star Carly McLean!

That's right, Newsweek has featured Carls in "A Recipe For A Family Fight: At Thanksgiving, vegetarians and vegans object to the menu (and the heckling), while other relatives feel family traditions are being scorned."

With sound bites like:
...She remembers her family looking at her as if she had grown a horn or a third eye during that (first) meal.
It's just a matter of time until The New York Times and Wall Street Journal knocks on our door to spice up their articles McLean-style. What, what!

And you gotta love the big shout out to Jimmy Mack, who if we have a say will get his own show on The Food Network -- watch out Bobby, we're coming for ya:
...While that first Thanksgiving was "pretty rough," her dad has been incredibly accommodating. Last year, the two went grocery shopping for the dinner together and he pointed out all the vegetarian products he was buying. He made the stuffing without giblets and left the bacon off of their seven-layer salad. "The thing that was really cool was some of those recipes are family tradition, going back three or four generations," says McLean. "So for him to switch that up, and make changes, was really big."

Yep folks, that's my roomie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...look at you moving to New York, gettin yourself a fancy place and fancy job...and now you're a national star! It was only a matter of time I suppose!! I'm just going to have to email that article to the fam and brag about you!